
Donations Information:


Access to supercar and luxury dealer
A tag in-game and in discord
55k In-game
Premium Rank
Access to Premium Gun Dealer
Premium Diamond Printers
Access to VIP Criminals


Access to supercar and luxury dealer
A tag in-game and in discord
85k In-game
Premium Rank
Access to Premium Gun Dealer
Premium Diamond Printers
Your own discord channel in the server
Access to VIP Criminals and VIP Government Jobs

Custom Class:

Up to 5 weapons for your custom class.
Custom name/color for your custom class
. A choice to be apart of civilians or police.
Regular Lockpick and Keypad Cracker

Enterprise Custom Class:

Up to 7 weapons for your custom class.
A choice to be whitelisted or not.
Custom name/color for your custom class.
A choice to be apart of civilians or police.
Pro Lockpick and Keypad Cracker

Every whitelist for your custom class costs an extra $2

Golden Card:

$120,000 in-game cash

Iron Card:

$60,000 in-game cash

All donations should be sent to:

Read our terms and service before buying anything: